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Exclusive Treatment

What is fascia? Fascia is the largest organ in the body, primarily made of collagen. It is a web of tissue that interpenetrates and interweaves all muscles, organs, bones and nerve fibers from head to toe. It interconnects all of our bodily systems, and the health of our fascia is the root cause of pain and suffering. It stores our history, our injuries, and our past traumas. It provides our structure and is stronger than steel. It remembers past stress, tension, and injuries; it wants to keep us safe. It's our own personal body armor. Restoration to fluidity is the key to unlocking your health and freeing yourself. Releasing fascia lets your body know it is safe to heal and finally let go.In our treatment session we will begin to release fascia throughout your body so that you can get unstuck and freely move through the world.

60 Minute Fascial Release, $100

An hour will give us time to focus on one or two parts of the body during this session as more of a spot treatment.


90 Minute Fascial Release $150

90 minutes will give us enough time to focus on the upper or lower half of the body, or after the initial deep fascia release and body mapping - it will let me return to the most troubled areas and devote time and attention where it is needed most.


2.5 Hour Deep Fascial Release $250

This session is best for people who want deep, therapeutic work and healing. This time frame will allow me time to assess and touch on all areas of the body and map out what areas we will be working the most on in the future as well. This will be the most intense level of whole body healing.

Get in Touch

Call or text 818.429.5549

©2023 by Bree Ann Cassidy CAMTC#93895

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